Newton Abbot is currently experiencing rapid housing growth. One of the CIC’s main priorities is to ensure that as new homes are developed in Newton Abbot they are supported by adequate infrastructure and facilities to meet the needs of residents.
At the moment we are focussing on the new homes being built along Ashburton Road towards Seale Hayne (officially known by the Planners as NA1: Houghton Barton).
We have already carried out research into what residents consider their needs to be and have submitted our findings so far to Teignbridge District Council. You and you can see a full copy of our report here.
As the end of 2017, Teignbridge District Council asked the CIC to do some further research and we completed a door to door survey of 250 homes in the area. You can read a summary of the survey results here.
We have submitted a Business Plan for a new Community Centre within the Houghton Barton development to Teignbridge District Council and are currently in discussion regarding the proposal.
If you would like to give us any comments, or if you live in the area and would be interested in being involved in some way when the new Community Centre is built, please contact us.