During 2015/16 the CIC was heavily involved in the preparation of the Newton Abbot Neighbourhood Plan. We managed the process of public consultation and wrote the Neighbourhood Plan document based on a lengthy period of community engagement.

The Plan is important because it sets out a local planning framework for the town for the period up to 2033. It includes policies on many issues including renewable energy, quality of design, use of Community Infrastructure Levy and town centre regeneration. You can download the Neighbourhood Plan by clicking here.
In May 2016 a local Referendum was held and 80% of those who turned out voted in favour of the Plan becoming part of the planning framework for Newton Abbot. This is important because the District Council has to take the Neighbourhood Plan into account when considering planning applications.

Newton Abbot & District Community Plan
The Newton Abbot and District Community Plan published in 2008 was a document that set out the Community’s needs, hopes and aspirations for the future, plus an action plan to make them a reality. The Plan was developed by a number of volunteers, local residents and representatives of organisations after 4 years of consultation.

The Plan set out a vision for Newton Abbot to 2028 which is for “A caring community whose members are involved in building an exciting future, based on tradition, sustainability, enterprise and openness to change”.

The Plan set out 6 objectives that members of the community said would contribute towards making Newton Abbot a better place to live and work in. These objectives focus on the Town Centre, young people, developing business and job opportunities, taking care of our community and environment and promoting and enjoying all that Newton abbot has to offer.
A copy of the full Plan can be downloaded by clicking here. In 2011 Newton Abbot CIC Board reviewed the priorities in the plan and produced an updated executive summary. This can be downloaded by clicking here.

Whilst the Community Plan still underpins the work of the CIC, some of its content has now been superseded by events and by other documents such as the Newton Abbot Neighbourhood Plan.